Canada’s $90 Billion Dollar High-Speed Rail obsolete before it is complete

Just a week after promising to cancel Pickering airport, Canada’s Liberal government dropped another infrastructure announcement that was thin on reasoning and light on details: a huge 3.9 Billion dollar taxpayer-funded paper chase for the design and analysis of an HSR (High-Speed Rail) line to link Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. Critics argue these […]

Why stop Pickering Airports development now?

On Monday, a surprise dramatic announcement took place that could cost taxpayers billions. Canada’s Transport Minister, Anita Anand, said the Federal Liberal government has decided against allowing the development of Pickering Airport. Minister Anand’s promised to transfer the “vast majority” of federal land set aside for economic development and an airport to Parks Canada. This […]

Overcoming the Scarcity for Profit Corporate mindset

The Toronto region’s rapid growth is creating a demand for new infrastructure. Any land development project will have its supporters and its detractors.  The latter are typically individuals or small groups concerned about development impacts like traffic congestion.  They want to maintain the status quo fearing a reduced quality of life.  A few people are […]

Federal Inaction Fueling a Housing, Productivity and Aviation Crisis in Toronto.

It is hard to find the words to describe the misery of Canada’s housing crisis in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). For a decade demand has outstripped supply causing prices to soar.  For most, buying a home is now an unattainable dream. Many are struggling to make enough to afford rent. Manufacturing and service businesses […]

Development plan with new Airport Wins vote 20 to 6 at Durham Region

  May 17th, 2023, a landslide vote in the Durham Region council chambers approves of the new Pickering airport’s important role in the region’s economic development. The new airport is part of the region’s Official Plan, a plan that is the culmination of years of work completed through the Envision Durham process, the Municipal Comprehensive Review of Durham’s […]

Can Aristotle help us understand recent Pickering Airport media coverage?

The new Pickering airport is a critical part of Canada’s future economic and aviation infrastructure.  Yet the stories recently appearing in our local press rarely mention this. They do not quote aviation or business organizations and rarely touch on the benefits of the airport.  Instead, they are covering the topic with a political focus. Why […]

Why do Advanced Industries Locate Near Airports?

By Mark Brooks Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson airport is the center of an advanced industrial zone that is at the forefront of the reindustrialization of Canada. The PEZ (Pearson Economic Zone) is now Canada’s second largest employment zone, employing 400,000 people and contributing $53 billion to Ontario’s economy. But why, even with land prices soaring, […]

Philosophically Speaking…#3: A Pyrrhic Victory?

by Ted Nickerson The pending decision by Pickering Council is not going to change the status of the Federal Pickering lands. The above statement is not meant to diminish the importance of the pending decision, nor to be critical of the motion’s proponents.  It just means that the motion, if successful, will not achieve what […]