Is building Pickering better than building a sixth runway at Pearson ?

Should Pearson build a sixth runway, or is it better for regional capacity to instead build Pickering airport?  Today Pearson airport has five runways but can only use two of them for landings at once. This is due to their close proximity to each other and Transport Canada safety standards. The GTAA ,which runs only […]

Is building out Hamilton airport a better idea than Pickering airport?

  Opponents of Pickering airport often point to Hamilton airport as a possible solution to the Toronto regions jet airport capacity limitations. Hamilton politicians and business leaders think so, but does building out Hamilton airport offer a real solution?  The tyranny of geography and logistics has other ideas.  It turns out that Hamilton is not economically or […]

Is Pickering airport another Mirabel?

Is it valid to compare Pickering and Mirabel airports? A quick fact check shows that they are polar opposites. Here are three key differences: The reason to built is different. Mirabel airport was a politically drive creation. It was built in the 1970s to try and jump start Montreal’s economy. It was intended to replace […]

Managed congestion- the GTAA’s answer to its capacity problem.

The GTAA’s new master plan increased its maximum capacity by 20% without building any significant improvement to its airside infrastructure. How is it achieving this magical increase?  During a 5 minute discussion after a public meeting on December 6th,  Michael Belanger, GTAA director of “Aviation Programs & Compliance”, explained it by using Heathrow as an […]

Are the Pickering lands the best government investment ever?

  The Pickering lands, 18,600 acres just east of Toronto, were originally assembled by the federal government 45 years ago. This land has been set aside to future proof our airport system and over the years managed by Transport Canada. Less than 40 minutes from downtown Toronto, this wise land investment has multiplied many times over its original purchase […]

What does Heathrow style congestion at Pearson mean for Toronto’s future?

Heathrow airport in the UK has been down the capacity management path now being traveled by Pearson airport. Heathrow has acknowledged that it has been at capacity for some time. According to NATS (National Air Transportation System), the UK company responsible for air traffic, More than 11000 aircraft a month, half of all aircraft flying […]

What is Pearson Airport’s Capacity Problem?

Pearson Airport, the only jet airport inside the Toronto passenger catchment area, does 478,000 movements annually today. It is quickly approaching its stated 2008 master plan maximum aircraft movement capacity of 520,000. If it is to continue in its role as the Toronto regions economic growth engine, it needs to find a way to take […]