Assault on Oshawa Airport Misguided

The Oshawa Airport, located in the Greater Toronto Area, is very busy with residents complaining about the increasing noise from aircraft, despite new flight restrictions implemented by the Airport. Oshawa is part of Durham Region, one of the fastest growing areas in North America. This region and five of the local mayors, have a solution that […]

We need Pickering Airport now!

By Mark Brooks Traffic at Oshawa airport is now above pre-pandemic levels.  The hangars at airports in the Toronto region are full, some with a waiting list of commercial and private aircraft. At Oshawa a flight school is being culled to reduce noise. Jobs and millions in economic activity are being lost due to the […]

Who is funding Anti-Airport Politics in Pickering?

By Mark Brooks Today, five of the six local municipal governments, including the city of Pickering, support building  a new airport and economic development zone. But aviation is a federal jurisdiction and one of the local Members of Parliament, Jennifer O’Connell, is opposed. The new airport, to be built on land already set aside for it […]

They Have Crossed the Line!

By Ted Nickerson A local pilot noticed during a training flight what appears to be a substantial construction project underway on the federal Pickering Airport Lands. The pilot, Mark Brooks, posted the photo on social media. Naturally, this gets the immediate attention of Pickering Airport supporters.  What is this? Does it negatively impact a future airport? […]

Is an MP authorized E-Petition promoting Misinformation to reward supporters?

Written by Mark Brooks The hubris of a new E-petition authorized by Member of Parliament Jennifer O’Connell is raising eyebrows on both sides of the Canadian House of Commons.  The reason?  It appears to twists the findings of a government report and use misdirection in the wording of the petition.  The petition asks the government to transfer a […]

Saving the Businesses on the Pickering Lands

Written by Mark Brooks The recently released KPMG ASA report states that development of Pickering Airport is now viable, and suggests breaking ground on a new industrial airport in 2026. The suggestion is to start with a minimal footprint that can be expanded as needed.  The new airport will be built on thousands of acres […]

Who is Leasing the Pickering Airport Lands?

By Mark Brooks In response to a Freedom of Information request, we have received the list of leaseholders for the Pickering lands retained for economic development, including an airport. A big thank you and shout–out to Transport Canada for doing what they could on this politically–charged topic.  Although heavily redacted, the response provides enough information […]

Supporting Aviation Key to Canada’s Pandemic Recovery

  Written by Mark Brooks, Oct 5 2020. The Canadian economy is in recession, the planet is on fire, racial injustice has been laid bare and a global pandemic threatens to kill our most vulnerable citizens.  As 2020 turns into a dumpster fire of a year overburdened with multiple crisis, or are they related, and which […]

The New Aircraft of Pickering Airport: A Quest for Efficiency  

Mark Brooks, Sept 17, 2020 In 2029, Pickering Airport will be open. What type of aircraft will call it home? To answer that question, we need to understand two of the forces driving the need for the new airport. One is the economic freedom behind the success of the municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area, the immigration it attracts and […]

Misinformation to Stall Airport

by Mark Brooks A citizen, worried that the pandemic is being used as cover to reward insiders, writes a letter to his Liberal MP.  The reply he received was laced with misinformation and should worry every Canadian. It highlights the lack of leadership and wishful thinking now delaying the development of new infrastructure in Canada.  In […]