Which Political Parties Support Building Pickering Airport?

If consumer demand and a privately-funded business case where the only deciding factors, Pickering Airport would be under construction right now. So what’s the hold-up?  National politics and the symbolism around building a new airport, while fighting climate change, may be the key reason an RFP (request for proposal) has not yet been issued by […]

SOMAC announced, GTAA joins voices calling for Pickering Airport.

On May 27th, 2019, at a Toronto Region Board of Trade event, the municipal leaders of Southern Ontario came together to solve a problem. After a short video message from the Honorable Marc Garneau, federal Minister of Transport, Howard Eng, CEO of the GTAA (Greater Toronto Airports Authority) described the problem. Pearson airport is now […]

What is the real goal of a biased Pickering Airport Troll Poll?

Last week a local Durham newspaper appeared to run a poll with a leading question underneath a letter from a local pro-airport supporter. It’s the sort of biased online survey that has become the staple of divisive politics around the world. A selectively worded poll with a leading question and leading answers. It can be […]

When will the Pickering Airport Needs Assessment Analysis be released?

Updated Feb 5, 2019: A report has been completed, a recommendation has been made and the need for the Pickering Airport is overwhelming. If the reports recommendations are followed, some time this year the federal government will make an announcement  green-lighting the new international jet airport in Pickering. The long and ongoing process of building […]

Exploring the intertwined future of Oshawa, Buttonville and Pickering Airports.

With the recent announcement of the closing of the City of Oshawa’s largest employer, the General Motors assembly plant, what does the future hold for aviation in Oshawa and the eastern Toronto region? Airport areas are catalysts for employment clusters that generate jobs and GDP for the surrounding region. For 60 years, the eastern Toronto […]

Will the Pickering Airport Cost Tax Payers Billions of Dollars a Year?

The Pickering Airport is expected to be built in several phases, with the first phase to be the most expensive. A source close to one group interested in the full development has indicated that the project could cost $3.6 billion over 25+ years, with $2.1 billion needed to fund the first phase of the project, […]

Does Land over Landings have a conflict of interest?

    Land over landings (LOL for short) advertises itself as a grassroots agriculture and conservation group. On its web site, in the press, at every opportunity, it goes out of its way to broadcast that there is no business case for a new airport in Pickering. It attacks experts and politicians alike that dare […]

Is building out Hamilton airport a better idea than Pickering airport?

  Opponents of Pickering airport often point to Hamilton airport as a possible solution to the Toronto regions jet airport capacity limitations. Hamilton politicians and business leaders think so, but does building out Hamilton airport offer a real solution?  The tyranny of geography and logistics has other ideas.  It turns out that Hamilton is not economically or […]