Pickering Airport Passenger Routes Part 1

The Pickering Airport Advantage- Location, Location, Location!   Airlines are in the business of operating routes between cities. Airports are the gateways between these cities.  Profit and customer satisfaction are an airline’s goals.   Airlines around the world are constantly looking to add profitable new destinations to their route networks to satisfy customer demand. Both the […]

Can a Green Fee save Pearson Airport and surrounding businesses from Mayhem?

  Toronto Pearson Airport and the economic zone it creates is in trouble. Thanks to regional population growth, roadside and airside congestion at the airport is expected to become commonplace. The mayhem of long line ups, delays, and staff shortages observed during the Christmas travel timeframe of 2022 will become a weekly event. Along with […]

Final Pickering Airport Capacity Study Airborne Again!

The need for a new airport in Pickering is back under the magnifying glass of Transport Canada in what could be its final needs assessment. Launched, then withdrawn, the study is now back on. Nothing it seems can stop the final Pickering airport study from getting airborne. The Minister of Transport himself, the Honourable Omar […]

Why do Advanced Industries Locate Near Airports?

By Mark Brooks Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson airport is the center of an advanced industrial zone that is at the forefront of the reindustrialization of Canada. The PEZ (Pearson Economic Zone) is now Canada’s second largest employment zone, employing 400,000 people and contributing $53 billion to Ontario’s economy. But why, even with land prices soaring, […]

Reversing the growth of Toronto’s Air Travel Mayhem

“Toronto airport is a total Nightmare” reads the headline of a story highlighting the suffering of individual travelers. The media is full of hundreds of these human-interest stories over the Christmas of 2022, but this headline was from February 2019. Over the years, reporters looking for a quick “if it bleeds, it leads” story need […]

Why Building Pickering Airport is good for your Health

By Mark Brooks One of the un-championed benefits of the new airport in Pickering will be its distance from nearby subdivisions. Unlike other Toronto airports that will need to be expanded if Pickering is delayed, the new airport is kilometres away from subdivisions. It will be buffered by both a new park as well as […]

Business and General Aviation at Pickering Airport

From group evacuations, to moving corporate or government decision makers and technical specialists, Business Aviation (BA) is seeing a major bump from the fears of a global COVID-19 pandemic.  Business aviation is once again showing the important logistical role it plays in Canada. But a new restrictive BA reservation system at Toronto Pearson International Airport […]

Surprising Aviation facts in the age of Climate Anxiety

By:​​ Mark Brooks, Phil Lightstone We all agree that climate change is an inevitable reality of carbon emissions and other forms of pollution.  The Australian bush fires, amplified by climate change, have created unbearable devastation and impacted climates as far away as Antarctica.  The dominant approach to fighting climate change has been to focus on improving emissions […]

What’s Inside The KPMG Pickering Airport Report?

In 2016 a team from the international accounting organization KPMG (consisting of a project manager, three subject matter experts, and an evaluation services consultant) started work on a report that will chart the future of growth and economic prosperity in the eastern Toronto region. The KPMG report is expected to be more than just an update […]