Reversing the growth of Toronto’s Air Travel Mayhem

“Toronto airport is a total Nightmare” reads the headline of a story highlighting the suffering of individual travelers. The media is full of hundreds of these human-interest stories over the Christmas of 2022, but this headline was from February 2019. Over the years, reporters looking for a quick “if it bleeds, it leads” story need […]

Does Toronto’s Growth Reduce Cropland?

Across Canada self-proclaimed environmental groups are trying to stop our cities from growing. They claim that growth, and the immigration that drives it, must be stopped to save the irreplaceable land where we grow our food. Urban planners and elected local officials claim there is no threat. Are our elected officials and planning experts right […]

The Moral Case for Pickering Airport 

By Mark Brooks The debate around the development of Pickering Airport is often focused on the business case, the demographics of growth and the environment.  What about the moral case?  What opportunities are we forgoing, and what future problems are we creating for our children, if we fail to build a new airport in Pickering? Is it […]

On-Track for Full Aviation Recovery in 2023

By Ted Nickerson, October 4, 2022 In the March 2022 posting, I identified that IATA (1) predicted that North American commercial aviation would reach 94% of the 2019 passenger traffic volume by year-end 2022 and reach 102% by year-end 2023.  Further, at that time the USA and Mexico were already near the 2022 forecast but […]