Final Update – Aviation Recovers in 2023

By Ted Nickerson, March 10, 2023 This will be my last update from an aviation recovery perspective. In my first posting on this topic in March 2022, I identified that IATA (1) predicted that North American commercial aviation would reach 94% of the 2019 passenger traffic volume by year-end 2022 and reach 102% by year-end […]

Reversing the growth of Toronto’s Air Travel Mayhem

“Toronto airport is a total Nightmare” reads the headline of a story highlighting the suffering of individual travelers. The media is full of hundreds of these human-interest stories over the Christmas of 2022, but this headline was from February 2019. Over the years, reporters looking for a quick “if it bleeds, it leads” story need […]

News Flash:  Full Aviation Passenger Recovery in 2023

By Ted Nickerson, March 16th 2022 Original Posting: “Passenger Aviation in the Toronto Region Will Recover Sooner Than Expected”  In the June 2021 posting, I showed that commercial passenger aviation in Canada is resilient in the long term and would recover fairly quickly.  Quoting a media release by IATA, global commercial passenger traffic was forecasted […]

Why Organized Labour Will Like Pickering Airport

By Mark Brooks Jerry Dias, the President of Unifor, knows first-hand how terribly unforgiving the aviation industry can be. As president of Unifor, he represents more than 315,000 Canadian workers, including thousands of highly-skilled pilots, engineers and aircraft manufacturing workers. In August 2021, he threw his weight behind 700 striking De Havilland Aircraft of Canada […]

Passenger Aviation in the Toronto Region Will Recover Sooner than Expected

By Ted Nickerson To say that commercial aviation has been devastated globally by the COVID19 pandemic would simply be stating the obvious.  Millions of jobs and many billions of dollars have been lost. Some airlines may never recover. Now in June 2021, there is light. What is the long-term effect of COVID on global mobility? […]

Planning Canada’s Electric Flight Future

By Mark Brooks Authorities have drawn up a programme for the introduction of electric aircraft. It will be part of a national net zero carbon footprint transport plan to be published in spring 2022 and put to the country’s parliament. It starts with a few airports and a locally built 19-seat electric aircraft. By 2040, […]

Why Building Pickering Airport is good for your Health

By Mark Brooks One of the un-championed benefits of the new airport in Pickering will be its distance from nearby subdivisions. Unlike other Toronto airports that will need to be expanded if Pickering is delayed, the new airport is kilometres away from subdivisions. It will be buffered by both a new park as well as […]

We need Pickering Airport now!

By Mark Brooks Traffic at Oshawa airport is now above pre-pandemic levels.  The hangars at airports in the Toronto region are full, some with a waiting list of commercial and private aircraft. At Oshawa a flight school is being culled to reduce noise. Jobs and millions in economic activity are being lost due to the […]

$4 Billion in “Modest Expansions” Accounting

The Study commissioned by Transport Canada, Pickering Lands Aviation Sector Analysis, concludes that through “modest expansions in aircraft apron and air terminal facilities”, Pickering Airport’s passenger capacity is not needed before 2036. The Study uses the phrase “modest expansions” to describe billions of dollars of additional aviation facilities that are stunning in both scope and cost.  All […]

Ending the “Build Pickering Last” Strategy

On March 5, 2020, Transport Canada released the Pickering Lands Aviation Sector Analysis (the Study). It was much awaited, and hopefully will be the definitive study on the need for and timing of a new commercial airport in Pickering, Ontario. Its message is simply, “The question is now when, not if, a new airport should be built”. […]